Weekly Penguin

Weekly Penguin 875

Only one way to end the Penned Guin feature month... and that is with the final compilation of the amazing dad-joke penguin strips from Alan Henderson – Penned Guin: The Bell. Contained within are the last 170+ strips that are guaranteed to make you either giggle or groan, depending on how puns affect you.

The last Penned Guin strip

I'm really sad to see this fun comic strip ending, but on the bright side, we have both these physical versions – and the full online archive of the digital strips – to amuse us in the future. And don't think this is the last time you see these particular monochromatic waddlers here on Weekly Penguin, as there are still some to feature in the future.

You can grab copies of both this and the past releases on Penned Guin web store – show some support to the maestro Henderson. ❤

Added: 2024-05-28