Last week we ventured into black metal themed penguins, so we need something more chill this time. And GoGo Penguin fits the bill perfectly!
Past summer, I finally got myself the complete CD discography, by acquiring first two GoGo Penguin albums – Fanfares and V2.0 (Deluxe Edition). These two were released on Gondwana Records in 2012 and 2014 respectively.
The 'GoGo Penguins Origins' albums, as I refer to these two to, are far more organic in sound, being a little closer to the jazz roots. Songs like "Hopopono" clearly start to flirt the 'electronic breakbeat done acoustic' vibes of the future releases. It's all great, though, and as someone who discovered the band almost in reverse, I'm delighted to see the band has been constantly evolving with their sound.
The other albums I could get my flippers on from the local record stores, but the first two I had to import myself. Luckily that's easy, you can do it either via Gondwana Records or GoGo Penguin's Bandcamp.