Weekly Penguin

Weekly Penguin 906

Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve are one week apart and that means the holiday Weekly Penguin strikes again!

This week it is time to revisit a newer design from the famed Nordic plush toy company Bukowski AB. The first one dates back to 2015 and the new one is otherwise similar – why change perfection – but with a different, more holiday-like scarf. Here the little fuzz-ball is shown looking into what is hopefully a better year.

The photo was taken in central Finland during the darkest days of the winter when sun basically just says 'hi' and immediately leaves. On the plus side, if you want to take sunrise- or sunset-like photos, you don't have to get up early or stay up late. 😄

Happy New Year!

Also available as Wallpaper

Added: 2024-12-31