Weekly Penguin

Weekly Penguin 888

Meet Jewels Verne, the penguin mountain climber extraordinaire, pictured here exploring the Finnish autumn nature. He is well equipped to explore the globe, complete with a backpack for carrying any treasurers he comes across!

Verne is the mascot for the two penguin games from Left Justified StudioJewels for the Emperor Penguin and Frozen Shinies: The Emperor Penguin's Nephew. Both games are about collecting treasure for the penguin royalty – and Jewels Verne is the pluckiest, plushiest mountain climber in their ranks.

The whole package was crowdfunded on Kickstarter and as you guessed, both games will also be featured on Weekly Penguin in the not-too-distant future. As a side note, Left Justified Studio's Kickstarter campaign was perhaps the most transparent I've been part of to date, with every step of the campaign laid out from the start and with frequent updates explaining what's going on. I couldn't really think any way to improve the campaign.

If you missed the Kickstarter campaign but want to own your own Jewels Verne plushie, fear not; both it and the game itself are available via Left Justified Studio's Prolific Games store.

The full Left Justified Studio trilogy:

Weekly Penguin 888 Weekly Penguin 889 Weekly Penguin 890

Also available as Wallpaper

Added: 2024-08-27