Weekly Penguin

Weekly Penguin 889

The trilogy of penguin goodness from Left Justified Studio continues with the mini-spin-off game Frozen Shinies: The Emperor Penguin's Nephew. The game is designed by Marcin Zarycki and illustrated by Kenzie Lindow.

The game contents on a table

The game really easy to pick up; the gist is to gather treasure for the titular Emperor Penguin's Nephew. However, the Nephew isn't so much concerned about the value of the items, but just wants more. Your job as a royal helper is to trade items with other helpers and accumulate the biggest stash of goodies – from wooden sticks to jewels.

This, too, was part of the recent Kickstarter but is now available via Left Justified Studio's Prolific Games store.

The full Left Justified Studio trilogy:

Weekly Penguin 888 Weekly Penguin 889 Weekly Penguin 890

Added: 2024-09-03